Address: 32 West 82nd Street, New York, NY
Building Type: Residential
Location: Boiler & Oil Tank Rooms
Substrate: Brick
Client: Charles H. Greenthal & Co.
Technical Consultant: RAND Engineering & Architecture, DPC
A comprehensive plan of injection using the CGI waterproofing system was successfully incorporated within several cellar level rooms within the brick foundation walls. The most critical room was the Oil Tank Room, where over the course of several years, below-grade water intrusion was causing steel corrosion. Furthermore, water was entering through the brick foundation walls and shorting out the boiler and pump electronic control boxes in the Boiler Room creating tremendous issues.
In order to effectively halt further water intrusion, the deteriorated building line expansion joint above these two rooms was cleaned out; gravity fed using the CGI waterproofing system; and then re-caulked with a urethane sealant. Additionally, our waterproofing application was effectively implemented within several rooms that were affecting the residents, including the laundry room, bathroom, and storage units, where a layer of breathable cement based coating was applied to each area for aesthetic and functional purposed. These critical steps left each area subject to water intrusion dry and free of mold and mildew.